Currently making their way through the 118th Congress are the following bills which may affect transition aged youth with experience in foster care. 

How to USE this Database:

Click the title of any bill in the first column to open/view the full record for that bill. Each record includes a bill summary and a description of how the bill impacts TAY with experience in foster care.

For easy filtering, the bills are categorized according to our Journey to Success framework, and further tagged by area of interest. The bills may be sorted by any of ten available fields, including bill number, date of passage, and more. To see additional fields, scroll to the right. To see additional bills, scroll down.

Please reach out via email with questions or to discuss advocacy opportunities.

We are grateful to Jenny Pokempner, policy director at Youth Law Center, for maintaining the bill information in this database. We also extend our thanks to Meridith Byrne Paulhus for developing and administering this database and the broader JTS website.