Youth Action Organizers from Children’s Defense Fund New York’s YouthNPower: Transforming Care Project Lead Briefing to NY Congressional Delegation

On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 Youth Action Organizers from the Children's Defense Fund-New York held a virtual meeting with members of the NY State Congressional Delegation about transition age youth in New York's child welfare system.

The Youth Action Organizers from CDF-NY’s YouthNPower: Transforming Care project include young people with lived experience in the system as well as those coming from communities that are the most impacted by child welfare.

In the briefing, the Organizers shared their priorities for improving the child welfare system as part of the Journey to Success Campaign. The goal was to open a dialogue with NY’s senators and congresspeople about these issues and discuss ways to actively work together for change.

Meet the Youth Action Organizers of the Transition Age Youth Project


View Clips from the Briefing:



Priority 1: Nothing About Us Without Us

Priority 2: Health and Healing

Priority 3: Connecting to Community

Questions and Answers



JTS Newsletter - January 2023


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